4-Color Makeup Concealer Camouflage Palette (green, yellow,
4-Color Makeup Concealer Camouflage Palette (green, yellow,
4-Color Makeup Concealer Camouflage Palette (green, yellow,
De: R$ 24,00
Por: R$ 18,00 FRETE GRÁTIS!
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- Produto Sob Encomenda
(Envio Internacional)

- Descrição:
The mint green shade counteracts redness from rosacea, blemishes, or capillaries around the nose and cheek areas.

The pale yellow shade is used to conceal black, blue, or purple imperfections such as bruises.
The lavender shade evens out yellowish skin tones, corrects olive skin, and offers an overall balanced finish and healthful glow.
The sky blue shade counteracts orange tones typically caused from uneven or excessive tanning or self-tanning Suitable for professional use or home use.

Size: 7.5*7.5cm.

- Frete:
O Frete é totalmente gratuito. Possui código de rastreamento e demora cerca de 20 á 45 dias úteis para chegar em sua casa*

*Devido á outros fatores, o prazo de entrega pode ser maior. *

- Formas de Pagamentos:
PayPal apenas